R-Square academy is the best IBPS SO bank exam coaching center in chennai, to gather knowledge for this IBPS SO exam we are guiding the students to study everyday. Concentrate on to secure good marks will make you perfect in your career.
R Square Academy have the capability to develop the principles handled in a IBPS SO bank examination. Our academy experts having the new strategy to train the students. Earlier completion of the syllabus will make a confidence to study further. Our academy gives the clear concepts about the Specialist Officer (SO) syllabus to solve the questions easily. Essential materials for the SO examination is updated in our website properly. Our academy tricks will be helpful for the candidates appearing for the examination. To prepare for the examination, we encourage the students to be aware about the specialist officer position.
The difficulty level of SO exam is moderate so you can easily crack the exam. The main aim of our coaching is to educate the students who are in weaker section those who need assistance in that section.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection official website is: https://www.ibps.in
The Specialist Officer prelims exam will be scheduled on December 18th and 26th,2021. The Main examination is on January 30th, 2022.
we provide our students a unique application which make learning easy